firefox - a free and open source web browser from Mozilla


firefox [OPTIONS] [url]


See for help using the browser. This manpage only describes how to run it.


-h, --help

Prints the command line options.

-g, --debug

Starts firefox in a debugger.

-d, --debugger

Specify the debugger in which to start firefox. The default is gdb. Used in conjunction with -g.

-a, --debugger-args

Specify arguments to pass to the debugger. Used in conjunction with -g.


Don't connect to any other running instances of firefox. Use this if you want to run firefox in an entirely new process. By default, firefox will delegate a command to an already running instance.


Start the profilemanager. Use this to choose the profile you would like to run firefox with. You will need to also use -no-remote if there is already a running firefox instance.

-P profile

Start firefox with the profile named profile. Will start the profile manager if a valid profile name is not specified. You will need to also use -no-remote if there is already a running firefox instance.


Start firefox in safe-mode. This disables all third-party extensions, and may be necessary if you are having problems with an extension you installed.

-new-tab url

Open url in a new tab.

-new-window url

Open url in a new window.

-v, -version

Print the current version of firefox.

-UILocale locale

Start firefox with the specified locale locale. Use this to override your environment


Open the preferences dialog.


Start firefox in private browsing mode


Toggle private browsing mode


Set firefox as the default web browser

-search term

Search for term with your default search engine


Open the Error console. If firefox is not already running, this will open a new browser window too