gcloud alpha builds deploy gke - build and deploy to a target Google Kubernetes Engine cluster


gcloud alpha builds deploy gke [[SOURCE] --no-source] --cluster=CLUSTER --location=LOCATION [--app-name=APP_NAME] [--app-version=APP_VERSION] [--async] [--config=CONFIG] [--expose=EXPOSE] [--gcs-staging-dir=GCS_STAGING_DIR] [--namespace=NAMESPACE] [--timeout=TIMEOUT] [--image=IMAGE | --tag=TAG] [GCLOUD_WIDE_FLAG ...]


(ALPHA) Build and deploy to a target Google Kubernetes Engine cluster.


At most one of these can be specified:

Location of the source and configs to build and deploy. The location can be a directory on a local disk or a gzipped archive file (.tar.gz) in Google Cloud Storage.


Specify that no source should be uploaded with this build.



Name of the target cluster to deploy to.


Region or zone of the target cluster to deploy to.



If specified, the following label is added to the Kubernetes manifests: ' APP_NAME'. Defaults to the container image name provided by --image or --tag without the tag, e.g. 'my-app' for ''.


If specified, the following label is added to the Kubernetes manifests: ' APP_VERSION'. Defaults to the container image tag provided by --image or --tag. If no image tag is provided and SOURCE is a valid git repository, defaults to the short revision hash of the HEAD commit.


Return immediately, without waiting for the operation in progress to complete.


Path to the Kubernetes YAML, or directory containing multiple Kubernetes YAML files, used to deploy the container image. The path is relative to the repository root provided by [SOURCE]. The files must reference the provided container image or tag.

If this field is not set, a default Deployment config and Horizontal Pod Autoscaler config are used to deploy the image.


Port that the deployed application listens on. If set, a Kubernetes Service of type 'LoadBalancer' is created with a single TCP port mapping that exposes this port.


Path to the Google Cloud Storage subdirectory into which to copy the source and configs (suggested base and expanded Kubernetes YAML files) that are used to stage and deploy your app. If the bucket in this path doesn't exist, Cloud Build creates it.

If this field is not set, the source and configs are written to gs://[PROJECT_ID]_cloudbuild/deploy, where source is written to the 'source' sub-directory and configs are written to the 'config' sub-directory.


Namespace of the target cluster to deploy to. If this field is not set, the 'default' namespace is used.


Maximum time a build is run before it times out. For example, "2h15m5s" is 2 hours, 15 minutes, and 5 seconds. If you do not specify a unit, seconds is assumed. Overrides the default builds/timeout property value for this command invocation.

Image to use to build and/or deploy.

To build an image with a default tag, omit these flags. The resulting tag will be in the format '[PROJECT_ID]/[IMAGE]/[TAG], where [PROJECT_ID] is your project ID, [IMAGE] is the value provided by `--app-name`, if provided, else it is the name of the provided source directory, and [TAG] is the value provided by `--app-version`, if provided, else it is the commit SHA of your provided source.

At most one of these can be specified:


Existing container image to deploy. If set, Cloud Build deploys the container image to the target Kubernetes cluster. The image must be in the* or ** namespaces.


Tag to use with a 'docker build' image creation. Cloud Build runs a remote 'docker build -t $TAG .' command, where $TAG is the tag provided by this flag. The tag must be in the* or ** namespaces. If you specify a tag in this command, your source must include a Dockerfile. For instructions on building using a Dockerfile see


These flags are available to all commands: --access-token-file, --account, --billing-project, --configuration, --flags-file, --flatten, --format, --help, --impersonate-service-account, --log-http, --project, --quiet, --trace-token, --user-output-enabled, --verbosity.

Run $ gcloud help for details.


This command is currently in alpha and might change without notice. If this command fails with API permission errors despite specifying the correct project, you might be trying to access an API with an invitation-only early access allowlist.