gcloud alpha builds triggers create webhook - create a build trigger with a Webhook trigger event


gcloud alpha builds triggers create webhook (--trigger-config=PATH | [--secret=SECRET (--build-config=PATH | --inline-config=PATH | [--dockerfile=DOCKERFILE : --dockerfile-dir=DOCKERFILE_DIR; default="/" --dockerfile-image=DOCKERFILE_IMAGE]) : --description=DESCRIPTION --github-enterprise-config=GITHUB_ENTERPRISE_CONFIG --name=NAME --region=REGION --require-approval --service-account=SERVICE_ACCOUNT --subscription-filter=SUBSCRIPTION_FILTER --substitutions=[KEY=VALUE,...] --repo=REPO --repo-type=REPO_TYPE (--branch=BRANCH | --tag=TAG)]) [GCLOUD_WIDE_FLAG ...]


(ALPHA) Create a build trigger with a Webhook trigger event.


To create a Webhook trigger that requires secret projects/my-project/secrets/my-secret/versions/2 and builds off branch my-branch in a GitHub repository named my-repo:

$ gcloud alpha builds triggers create webhook \ --name=my-webhook-trigger \ --service-account="projects/my-project/serviceAccounts/my-byosa@\" \ --secret=projects/my-project/secrets/my-secret/versions/2 \ --repo= --repo-type=GITHUB \ --branch=my-branch


Exactly one of these must be specified:

Path to Build Trigger config file (JSON or YAML format). For more details, see

Flag based trigger configuration

The full path of the secret version required to validate webhook requests against this trigger. For example, projects/my-project/secrets/my-secret/versions/1.

This flag argument must be specified if any of the other arguments in this group are specified.


Build trigger description.


The resource name of the GitHub Enterprise config that should be applied to this source. Format: projects/{project}/locations/{location}/githubEnterpriseConfigs/{id} or projects/{project}/githubEnterpriseConfigs/{id}


Build trigger name.


The region of the Cloud Build Service to use. Must be set to a supported region name (e.g. us-central1). If unset, builds/region, which is the default region to use when working with Cloud Build resources, is used. If builds/region is unset, region is set to global.


Require manual approval for triggered builds.


The service account used for all user-controlled operations including UpdateBuildTrigger, RunBuildTrigger, CreateBuild, and CancelBuild. If no service account is set, then the standard Cloud Build service account ([PROJECT_NUM] is used instead. Format: projects/{PROJECT_ID}/serviceAccounts/{ACCOUNT_ID_OR_EMAIL}.


CEL filter expression for the trigger. See for more details.


Parameters to be substituted in the build specification.

For example (using some nonsensical substitution keys; all keys must begin with an underscore):

$ gcloud builds triggers create ... --config config.yaml --substitutions _FAVORITE_COLOR=blue,_NUM_CANDIES=10

This will result in a build where every occurrence of ${_FAVORITE_COLOR} in certain fields is replaced by "blue", and similarly for ${_NUM_CANDIES} and "10".

Only the following built-in variables can be specified with the --substitutions flag: REPO_NAME, BRANCH_NAME, TAG_NAME, REVISION_ID, COMMIT_SHA, SHORT_SHA.

For more details, see:

Exactly one of these must be specified:

Path to a YAML or JSON file containing the build configuration in the repository.

For more details, see:


Local path to a YAML or JSON file containing a build configuration.

Dockerfile build configuration flags

Path of Dockerfile to use for builds in the repository.

If specified, a build config will be generated to run docker build using the specified file.

The filename is relative to the Dockerfile directory.

This flag argument must be specified if any of the other arguments in this group are specified.

--dockerfile-dir=DOCKERFILE_DIR; default="/"

Location of the directory containing the Dockerfile in the repository.

The directory will also be used as the Docker build context.


Docker image name to build.

If not specified,$COMMIT_SHA will be used.

Use a build configuration (cloudbuild.yaml) file for building multiple images in a single trigger.

Flags for repository information

URI of the repository. Currently only HTTP URIs for GitHub and Cloud Source Repositories are supported.

This flag argument must be specified if any of the other arguments in this group are specified.


Type of the repository. Currently only GitHub and Cloud Source Repository types are supported.

This flag argument must be specified if any of the other arguments in this group are specified.

Exactly one of these must be specified:

Branch to build.


Tag to build.


These flags are available to all commands: --access-token-file, --account, --billing-project, --configuration, --flags-file, --flatten, --format, --help, --impersonate-service-account, --log-http, --project, --quiet, --trace-token, --user-output-enabled, --verbosity.

Run $ gcloud help for details.


This command is currently in alpha and might change without notice. If this command fails with API permission errors despite specifying the correct project, you might be trying to access an API with an invitation-only early access allowlist. These variants are also available:

$ gcloud builds triggers create webhook

$ gcloud beta builds triggers create webhook