gcloud alpha topic filters - resource filters supplementary help


(ALPHA) Most gcloud commands return a list of resources on success. By default they are pretty-printed on the standard output. The --format=NAME[ATTRIBUTES](PROJECTION) and --filter=EXPRESSION flags along with projections can be used to format and change the default output to a more meaningful result.

Use the --format flag to change the default output format of a command. For details run $ gcloud topic formats.

Use the --filter flag to select resources to be listed. Resource filters are described in detail below.

Use resource-keys to reach resource items through a unique path of names from the root. For details run $ gcloud topic resource-keys.

Use projections to list a subset of resource keys in a resource. For details run $ gcloud topic projections.

Note: To refer to a list of fields you can sort, filter, and format by for each resource, you can run a list command with the format set to text or json. For example, $ gcloud compute instances list --limit=1 --format=text.

To work through an interactive tutorial about using the filter and format flags instead, see:

Note: Depending on the specific server API, filtering may be done entirely by the client, entirely by the server, or by a combination of both.

Filter Expressions

A filter expression is a Boolean function that selects the resources to print from a list of resources. Expressions are composed of terms connected by logic operators.


Logic operators must be in uppercase: AND, OR, NOT. Additionally, expressions containing both AND and OR must be parenthesized to disambiguate precedence.

NOT term-1

True if term-1 is False, otherwise False.

term-1 AND term-2

True if both term-1 and term-2 are true.

term-1 OR term-2

True if at least one of term-1 or term-2 is true.

term-1 term-2

Term conjunction (implicit AND) is True if both term-1 and term-2 are true. Conjunction has lower precedence than OR.


A term is a key operator value tuple, where key is a dotted name that evaluates to the value of a resource attribute, and value may be:


integer or floating point numeric constant

unquoted literal

character sequence terminated by space, ( or )

quoted literal

"..." or '...'

Most filter expressions need to be quoted in shell commands. If you use '...' shell quotes then use "..." filter string literal quotes and vice versa.

Quoted literals will be interpreted as string values, even when the value could also be a valid number. For example, 'key:1e9' will be interpreted as a key named 'key' with the string value '1e9', rather than with the float value of one billion expressed in scientific notation.

Operator Terms
key : simple-pattern

: operator evaluation is changing for consistency across Google APIs. The current default is deprecated and will be dropped shortly. A warning will be displayed when a --filter expression would return different matches using both the deprecated and new implementations.

The current deprecated default is True if key contains simple-pattern. The match is case insensitive. It allows one * that matches any sequence of 0 or more characters. If * is specified then the match is anchored, meaning all characters from the beginning and end of the value must match.

The new implementation is True if simple-pattern matches any word in key. Words are locale specific but typically consist of alpha-numeric characters. Non-word characters that do not appear in simple-pattern are ignored. The matching is anchored and case insensitive. An optional trailing * does a word prefix match.

Use key:* to test if key is defined and -key:* to test if key is undefined.

key :( simple-pattern ... )

True if key matches any simple-pattern in the (space, tab, newline, comma) separated list.

key = value

True if key is equal to value, or [deprecated] equivalent to : with the exception that the trailing * prefix match is not supported.

For historical reasons, this operation currently behaves differently for different Google APIs. For many APIs, this is True if key is equal to value. For a few APIs, this is currently equivalent to :, with the exception that the trailing * prefix match is not supported. However, this behaviour is being phased out, and use of = for those APIs is deprecated; for those APIs, if you want matching, you should use : instead of =, and if you want to test for equality, you can use key <= value AND key >= value.

key =( value ... )

True if key is equal to any value in the (space, tab, newline, ,) separated list.

key != value

True if key is not value. Equivalent to -key=value and NOT key=value.

key < value

True if key is less than value. If both key and value are numeric then numeric comparison is used, otherwise lexicographic string comparison is used.

key <= value

True if key is less than or equal to value. If both key and value are numeric then numeric comparison is used, otherwise lexicographic string comparison is used.

key >= value

True if key is greater than or equal to value. If both key and value are numeric then numeric comparison is used, otherwise lexicographic string comparison is used.

key > value

True if key is greater than value. If both key and value are numeric then numeric comparison is used, otherwise lexicographic string comparison is used.

key ~ value

True if key contains a match for the RE (regular expression) pattern value. Depending on your shell, you might have to escape or quote ~ to ensure it isn't consumed as HOME.

key !~ value

True if key does not contain a match for the RE (regular expression) pattern value. Depending on your shell, you might have to escape or quote ~ to ensure it isn't consumed as HOME.

Regular expressions are evaluated using Python's standard library:

Determine which fields are available for filtering

In order to build filters, it is often helpful to review some representative fields returned from commands. One simple way to do this is to add --format=yaml --limit=1 to a command. With these flags, a single record is returned and its full contents are displayed as a YAML document. For example, a list of project fields could be generated by running:

$ gcloud projects list --format=yaml --limit=1

This might display the following data:

createTime: '2021-02-10T19:19:49.242Z' lifecycleState: ACTIVE name: MyProject parent: id: '123' type: folder projectId: my-project projectNumber: '456'

Using this data, one way of filtering projects is by their parent's ID by specifying as the key.

Filter on a custom or nested list in response

By default the filter expression operates on root level resources. In order to filter on a nested list(not at the root level of the json) , one can use the --flatten flag to provide a the resource-key to list. For example, To list members under my-project that have an editor role, one can run:

$ gcloud projects get-iam-policy cloudsdktest --flatten=bindings \ --filter=bindings.role:roles/editor \ --format='value(bindings.members)'


List all Google Compute Engine instance resources:

$ gcloud compute instances list

List Compute Engine instance resources that have machineType f1-micro:

$ gcloud compute instances list --filter="machineType:f1-micro"

List Compute Engine instance resources using a regular expression for zone us and not MachineType f1-micro:

$ gcloud compute instances list \ --filter="zone ~ us AND -machineType:f1-micro"

List Compute Engine instance resources with tag my-tag:

$ gcloud compute instances list --filter="tags.items=my-tag"

List Compute Engine instance resources with tag my-tag or my-other-tag:

$ gcloud compute instances list \ --filter="tags.items=(my-tag,my-other-tag)"

List Compute Engine instance resources with tag my-tag and my-other-tag:

$ gcloud compute instances list \ --filter="tags.items=my-tag AND tags.items=my-other-tag"

List Compute Engine instance resources which either have tag my-tag but not my-other-tag or have tag alternative-tag:

$ gcloud compute instances list \ --filter="(tags.items=my-tag AND -tags.items=my-other-tag) OR \ tags.items=alternative-tag"

List Compute Engine instance resources which contain the key fingerprint in the metadata object:

$ gcloud compute instances list --limit=1 \ --filter="metadata.list(show="keys"):fingerprint"

List Compute Engine instance resources with label my-label with any value:

$ gcloud compute instances list --filter="*"

List Container Registry images that have a tag with the value '30e5504145':

$ gcloud container images list-tags --filter="'tags:30e5504145'"

The last example encloses the filter expression in single quotes because the value '30e5504145' could be interpreted as a number in scientific notation.

List in JSON format those projects where the labels match specific values (e.g. label.env is 'test' and label.version is alpha):

$ gcloud projects list --format="json" \ --filter="labels.env=test AND labels.version=alpha"

List projects that were created on and after a specific date:

$ gcloud projects list \ --format="table(projectNumber,projectId,createTime)" \ --filter="createTime>=2018-01-15"

List projects that were created on and after a specific date and time and sort from oldest to newest (with dates and times listed according to the local timezone):

$ gcloud projects list \ --format="table(projectNumber,projectId,\ ))" --filter="createTime>=2018-01-15T12:00:00" --sort-by=createTime

List projects that were created within the last two weeks, using ISO8601 durations:

$ gcloud projects list \ --format="table(projectNumber,projectId,createTime)" \ --filter="createTime>-P2W"

For more about ISO8601 durations, see:

The table below shows examples of pattern matching if used with the : operator:

abc* abcpdqxyz True True
abc abcpdqxyz False True
pdq* abcpdqxyz False False
pdq abcpdqxyz False True
xyz* abcpdqxyz False False
xyz abcpdqxyz False True
* abcpdqxyz True True
* (None) False False
* ('') False False
* (otherwise) True True
abc* True True
abc True True
abc.pdq True True
pdq* True False
pdq True True True True
xyz* True False
xyz True True


This command is currently in alpha and might change without notice. If this command fails with API permission errors despite specifying the correct project, you might be trying to access an API with an invitation-only early access allowlist. These variants are also available:

$ gcloud topic filters

$ gcloud beta topic filters