gcloud beta compute networks peerings create - create a Compute Engine network peering


gcloud beta compute networks peerings create NAME --network=NETWORK --peer-network=PEER_NETWORK [--async] [--auto-create-routes] [--export-custom-routes] [--export-subnet-routes-with-public-ip] [--import-custom-routes] [--import-subnet-routes-with-public-ip] [--peer-project=PEER_PROJECT] [--stack-type=STACK_TYPE] [GCLOUD_WIDE_FLAG ...]


(BETA) gcloud beta compute networks peerings create is used to create peerings between virtual networks. Each side of a peering association is set up independently. Peering will be active only when the configuration from both sides matches.


To create a network peering with the name 'peering-name' between the network 'local-network' and the network 'peer-network' which exports and imports custom routes and subnet routes with public IPs, run:

$ gcloud beta compute networks peerings create peering-name \ --network=local-network --peer-network=peer-network \ --export-custom-routes --import-custom-routes \ --export-subnet-routes-with-public-ip \ --import-subnet-routes-with-public-ip



The name of the peering.



The name of the network in the current project to be peered with the peer network.


The name of the network to be peered with the current network.



Return immediately, without waiting for the operation in progress to complete.


(DEPRECATED) If set, will automatically create routes for the network peering. Flag auto-create-routes is deprecated. Peer network subnet routes are always created in a network when peered.

Flag --auto-create-routes is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.


If set, the network will export custom routes to peer network. Use --no-export-custom-routes to disable it.


If set, the network will export subnet routes with addresses in the public IP ranges to peer network. Use --no-export-subnet-routes-with-public-ip to disable it.


If set, the network will import custom routes from peer network. Use --no-import-custom-routes to disable it.


If set, the network will import subnet routes with addresses in the public IP ranges from peer network. Use --no-import-subnet-routes-with-public-ip to disable it.


The name of the project for the peer network. If not specified, defaults to current project.


Stack type of the peering. If not specified, defaults to IPV4_ONLY.

STACK_TYPE must be one of:

IPV4_ONLY Only IPv4 traffic and routes will be exchanged across this peering.

IPV4_IPV6 IPv4 traffic and routes will be exchanged across this peering. IPv6 traffic and routes will be exchanged if the matching peering configuration also has stack_type set to IPV4_IPV6.


These flags are available to all commands: --access-token-file, --account, --billing-project, --configuration, --flags-file, --flatten, --format, --help, --impersonate-service-account, --log-http, --project, --quiet, --trace-token, --user-output-enabled, --verbosity.

Run $ gcloud help for details.


This command is currently in beta and might change without notice. These variants are also available:

$ gcloud compute networks peerings create

$ gcloud alpha compute networks peerings create