gcloud beta dataflow sql query - execute the user-specified SQL query on Dataflow
gcloud beta dataflow sql query QUERY --job-name=JOB_NAME --region=REGION ([--bigquery-table=BIGQUERY_TABLE : --bigquery-dataset=BIGQUERY_DATASET --bigquery-project=BIGQUERY_PROJECT] [--pubsub-topic=PUBSUB_TOPIC : --pubsub-project=PUBSUB_PROJECT]) [--bigquery-write-disposition=BIGQUERY_WRITE_DISPOSITION; default="write-empty"] [--dataflow-kms-key=DATAFLOW_KMS_KEY] [--disable-public-ips] [--dry-run] [--max-workers=MAX_WORKERS] [--network=NETWORK] [--num-workers=NUM_WORKERS] [--pubsub-create-disposition=PUBSUB_CREATE_DISPOSITION; default="create-if-not-found"] [--service-account-email=SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL] [--subnetwork=SUBNETWORK] [--worker-machine-type=WORKER_MACHINE_TYPE] [--parameter=PARAMETER | --parameters-file=PARAMETERS_FILE] [--worker-region=WORKER_REGION | --worker-zone=WORKER_ZONE | --zone=ZONE] [GCLOUD_WIDE_FLAG ...]
(BETA) Execute the user-specified SQL query on Dataflow. Queries must comply to the ZetaSQL dialect https://github.com/google/zetasql. Results may be written to either BigQuery or Cloud Pub/Sub.
To execute a simple SQL query on Dataflow that reads from and writes to BigQuery, run:
$ gcloud beta dataflow sql query \ 'SELECT word FROM bigquery.table.`my-project`.input_dataset.input_table where count > 3' --job-name=my-job --region=us-west1 \ --bigquery-dataset=my_output_dataset \ --bigquery-table=my_output_table
To execute a simple SQL query on Dataflow that reads from and writes to Cloud Pub/Sub, run:
$ gcloud beta dataflow sql query \ 'SELECT word FROM pubsub.topic.`my-project`.input_topic where count > 3' --job-name=my-job --region=us-west1 \ --pubsub-topic=my_output_topic
To join data from BigQuery and Cloud Pub/Sub and write the result to Cloud Pub/Sub, run:
$ gcloud beta dataflow sql query \ 'SELECT bq.name AS name FROM pubsub.topic.`my-project`.input_topic p INNER JOIN bigquery.table.`my-project`.input_dataset.input_table bq ON p.id = bq.id' --job-name=my-job --region=us-west1 \ --pubsub-topic=my_output_topic
To execute a parameterized SQL query that reads from and writes to BigQuery, run:
$ gcloud beta dataflow sql query \ 'SELECT word FROM bigquery.table.`my-project`.input_dataset.input_table where count > @threshold' --parameter=threshold:INT64:5 --job-name=my-job \ --region=us-west1 --bigquery-dataset=my_output_dataset \ --bigquery-table=my_output_table
The SQL query to execute.
- --job-name=JOB_NAME
The unique name to assign to the Cloud Dataflow job.
- --region=REGION
The region ID of the job's regional endpoint. Defaults to 'us-central1'.
- The destination(s) for the output of the query.
At least one of these must be specified:
- BigQuery table resource - The BigQuery table to write query output to. The
arguments in this group can be used to specify the attributes of this resource.
- --bigquery-table=BIGQUERY_TABLE
ID of the BigQuery table or fully qualified identifier for the BigQuery table. To set the bigquery-table attribute:
- —
provide the argument --bigquery-table on the command line.
This flag argument must be specified if any of the other arguments in this group are specified.
- --bigquery-dataset=BIGQUERY_DATASET
The BigQuery dataset ID. To set the bigquery-dataset attribute:
- —
provide the argument --bigquery-table on the command line with a fully specified name;
- —
provide the argument --bigquery-dataset on the command line.
- --bigquery-project=BIGQUERY_PROJECT
The BigQuery project ID. To set the bigquery-project attribute:
- —
provide the argument --bigquery-table on the command line with a fully specified name;
- —
provide the argument --bigquery-project on the command line.
- Pub/Sub topic resource - The Cloud Pub/Sub topic to write query output to. The
arguments in this group can be used to specify the attributes of this resource.
- --pubsub-topic=PUBSUB_TOPIC
ID of the Pub/Sub topic or fully qualified identifier for the Pub/Sub topic. To set the pubsub-topic attribute:
- —
provide the argument --pubsub-topic on the command line.
This flag argument must be specified if any of the other arguments in this group are specified.
- --pubsub-project=PUBSUB_PROJECT
The Pub/Sub project ID. To set the pubsub-project attribute:
- —
provide the argument --pubsub-topic on the command line with a fully specified name;
- —
provide the argument --pubsub-project on the command line.
- --bigquery-write-disposition=BIGQUERY_WRITE_DISPOSITION; default="write-empty"
The behavior of the BigQuery write operation. BIGQUERY_WRITE_DISPOSITION must be one of: write-empty, write-truncate, write-append.
- --dataflow-kms-key=DATAFLOW_KMS_KEY
The Cloud KMS key to protect the job resources.
- --disable-public-ips
The Cloud Dataflow workers must not use public IP addresses. Overrides the default dataflow/disable_public_ips property value for this command invocation.
- --dry-run
Construct but do not run the SQL pipeline, for smoke testing.
- --max-workers=MAX_WORKERS
The maximum number of workers to run.
- --network=NETWORK
The Compute Engine network for launching instances to run your pipeline.
- --num-workers=NUM_WORKERS
The initial number of workers to use.
- --pubsub-create-disposition=PUBSUB_CREATE_DISPOSITION; default="create-if-not-found"
The behavior of the Pub/Sub create operation. PUBSUB_CREATE_DISPOSITION must be one of: create-if-not-found, fail-if-not-found.
- --service-account-email=SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL
The service account to run the workers as.
- --subnetwork=SUBNETWORK
The Compute Engine subnetwork for launching instances to run your pipeline.
- --worker-machine-type=WORKER_MACHINE_TYPE
The type of machine to use for workers. Defaults to server-specified.
- At most one of these can be specified:
- --parameter=PARAMETER
Parameters to pass to a query. Parameters must use the format name:type:value, for example min_word_count:INT64:250.
- --parameters-file=PARAMETERS_FILE
Path to a file containing query parameters in JSON format. e.g. [{"parameterType": {"type": "STRING"}, "parameterValue": {"value": "foo"}, "name": "x"}, {"parameterType": {"type": "FLOAT64"}, "parameterValue": {"value": "1.0"}, "name": "y"}]
- Worker location options.
At most one of these can be specified:
- --worker-region=WORKER_REGION
The region to run the workers in.
- --worker-zone=WORKER_ZONE
The zone to run the workers in.
- --zone=ZONE
(DEPRECATED) The zone to run the workers in.
The --zone option is deprecated; use --worker-region or --worker-zone instead.
These flags are available to all commands: --access-token-file, --account, --billing-project, --configuration, --flags-file, --flatten, --format, --help, --impersonate-service-account, --log-http, --project, --quiet, --trace-token, --user-output-enabled, --verbosity.
Run $ gcloud help for details.
This command is currently in beta and might change without notice. This variant is also available:
$ gcloud dataflow sql query