gcloud beta debug logpoints create - add debug logpoints to a Cloud Debugger debug target (debuggee)


gcloud beta debug logpoints create LOCATION LOG_FORMAT_STRING [--condition=CONDITION] [--log-level=LOG_LEVEL; default="info"] [--target=(ID|DESCRIPTION_REGEXP)] [--wait=WAIT; default=10] [GCLOUD_WIDE_FLAG ...]


(BETA) gcloud beta debug logpoints create is used to add a debug logpoint to a debug target (debuggee). Logpoints add logging to your running service without changing your code or restarting your application. When you create a logpoint, the message you specify will be added to your logs whenever any instance of your service executes the specified line of code.

The default lifetime of a logpoint is 24 hours from creation, and the output will go to the standard log for the programming language of the target (java.logging for Java, logging for Python, etc.)


To add a logpoint with no conditions that will print the value of the variable 'name' at line 41 of file of a debug target (debuggee), run:

$ gcloud beta debug logpoints create \ "Variable name={name}" --target=<debuggee_id>

To add a logpoint that will print the value of the variable 'name' at line 41 of file on a debug target (debuggee) that will only trigger if the length of 'name' is greater than 3, run:

$ gcloud beta debug logpoints create \ "Variable name={name}" --target=<debuggee_id> \ --condition="len(name) > 3"

To add a logpoint with a log level of error at line 35 of file on a debug target (debuggee), run:

$ gcloud beta debug logpoints create "Unexpected path" \ --target=<debuggee_id> --log-level=error



The logpoint location. Locations are of the form FILE:LINE, where FILE can be simply the file name, or the file name preceded by enough path components to differentiate it from other files with the same name. It is an error to provide a file name that is not unique in the debug target.


A format string which will be logged every time the logpoint location is executed. If the string contains curly braces ('{' and '}'), any text within the curly braces will be interpreted as a run-time expression in the debug target's language, which will be evaluated when the logpoint is hit.

The value of the expression will then replace the {} expression in the resulting log output. For example, if you specify the format string "a={a}, b={b}", and the logpoint is hit when local variable a is 1 and b is 2, the resulting log output would be "a=1, b=2".



A condition to restrict when the log output is generated. When the logpoint is hit, the condition will be evaluated, and the log output will be generated only if the condition is true.

--log-level=LOG_LEVEL; default="info"

The logging level to use when producing the log message. LOG_LEVEL must be one of: info, warning, error.


The debug target. It may be a target ID or name obtained from 'debug targets list', or it may be a regular expression uniquely specifying a debuggee based on its description or name. For App Engine projects, if not specified, the default target is the most recent deployment of the default module and version.

--wait=WAIT; default=10

The number of seconds to wait to ensure that no error is returned from a debugger agent when creating the logpoint. When a logpoint is created, there will be a delay before the agents see and apply the logpoint. Until at least one agent has attempted to enable the logpoint, it cannot be determined if the logpoint is valid.


These flags are available to all commands: --access-token-file, --account, --billing-project, --configuration, --flags-file, --flatten, --format, --help, --impersonate-service-account, --log-http, --project, --quiet, --trace-token, --user-output-enabled, --verbosity.

Run $ gcloud help for details.


This command is currently in beta and might change without notice. This variant is also available:

$ gcloud debug logpoints create