gcloud beta firebase test android - command group for Android application testing


gcloud beta firebase test android GROUP | COMMAND [GCLOUD_WIDE_FLAG ...]


(BETA) Explore physical and virtual Android models, Android OS versions, and Android locales which are available as test targets. Also run tests against your Android app on these devices, monitor your test progress, and view detailed test results in the Firebase console.


To see a list of available Android devices, their form factors, and supported Android OS versions, run:

$ gcloud beta firebase test android models list

To view more detailed information about a specific Android model, run:

$ gcloud beta firebase test android models describe MODEL_ID

To view details about available Android OS versions, such as their code names and release dates, run:

$ gcloud beta firebase test android versions list

To view information about a specific Android OS version, run:

$ gcloud beta firebase test android versions describe VERSION_ID

To view the list of available Android locales which can be used for testing internationalized applications, run:

$ gcloud beta firebase test android locales list

To view information about a specific locale, run:

$ gcloud beta firebase test android locales describe LOCALE

To view all options available for running Android tests, run:

$ gcloud beta firebase test android run --help


These flags are available to all commands: --help.

Run $ gcloud help for details.


GROUP is one of the following:


(BETA) Explore Android locales available for testing.


(BETA) Explore Android models available in the Test Environment catalog.


(BETA) Explore Android versions available for testing.


COMMAND is one of the following:


(BETA) Invoke a test in Firebase Test Lab for Android and view test results.


This command is currently in beta and might change without notice. These variants are also available:

$ gcloud firebase test android

$ gcloud alpha firebase test android