gcloud beta functions - manage Google Cloud Functions
gcloud beta functions GROUP | COMMAND [GCLOUD_WIDE_FLAG ...]
(BETA) Manage Google Cloud Functions.
These flags are available to all commands: --help.
Run $ gcloud help for details.
GROUP is one of the following:
- event-types
(BETA) List types of events that can be a trigger for a Google Cloud Function.
- logs
(BETA) Display log entries produced by Google Cloud Functions.
- regions
(BETA) List regions available to Google Cloud Functions.
- runtimes
(BETA) List runtimes available to Google Cloud Functions.
COMMAND is one of the following:
- add-iam-policy-binding
(BETA) Adds an IAM policy binding for a Google Cloud Function.
- add-invoker-policy-binding
(BETA) Adds an invoker binding to the IAM policy of a Google Cloud Function.
- call
(BETA) Triggers execution of a Google Cloud Function.
- delete
(BETA) Delete a Google Cloud Function.
- deploy
(BETA) Create or update a Google Cloud Function.
- describe
(BETA) Display details of a Google Cloud Function.
- get-iam-policy
(BETA) Gets IAM policy for a Google Cloud Function.
- list
(BETA) List Google Cloud Functions.
- remove-iam-policy-binding
(BETA) Removes an IAM policy binding from a Google Cloud Function.
- remove-invoker-policy-binding
(BETA) Removes an invoker binding from the IAM policy of a Google Cloud Function.
- set-iam-policy
(BETA) Sets IAM policy for a Google Cloud Function.
This command is currently in beta and might change without notice. These variants are also available:
$ gcloud functions
$ gcloud alpha functions