gcloud beta scc assets group - filter an organization's assets and groups them by their specified properties


gcloud beta scc assets group [PARENT] [--compare-duration=COMPARE_DURATION] [--filter=FILTER] [--group-by=GROUP_BY] [--page-size=PAGE_SIZE] [--page-token=PAGE_TOKEN] [--read-time=READ_TIME] [GCLOUD_WIDE_FLAG ...]


(BETA) Filter an organization's assets and groups them by their specified properties.


Group assets under organization 123456 by their type (e.g. project, disk, compute instance, service etc):

$ gcloud beta scc assets group 123456 \ --group-by="security_center_properties.resource_type"

Group assets under project example-project by their type (e.g. project, disk, compute instance, service etc):

$ gcloud beta scc assets group projects/example-project \ --group-by="security_center_properties.resource_type"

Group assets under folder 456 by their type (e.g. project, disk, compute instance, service etc):

$ gcloud beta scc assets group folders/456 \ --group-by="security_center_properties.resource_type"

Group compute instances (assets) under organization 123456 by their respective projects:

$ gcloud beta scc assets group 123456 \ --filter="security_center_properties.resource_type=\"google.comp\ ute.Instance\"" \ --group-by="security_center_properties.resource_project"

Group assets that were updated on or after 2019-01-01T01:00:00 GMT by their types.

$ gcloud beta scc assets group 123456 \ --filter="update_time >= 1546304400000" \ --group-by="security_center_properties.resource_type"

Group assets into following 3 state_changes (ADDED/DELETED/ACTIVE) based on the activity during past 24 hours:

$ gcloud beta scc assets group 123456 --compare-duration=86400s \ --group-by="state_change"


Parent resource - parent organization, folder, or project in the Google Cloud

resource hierarchy to be used for the gcloud scc command. Specify the argument as either [RESOURCE_TYPE/RESOURCE_ID] or [RESOURCE_ID], as shown in the preceding examples. This represents a Cloud resource.


ID of the parent or fully qualified identifier for the parent. To set the parent attribute:

  • provide the argument parent on the command line;

  • Set the parent property in configuration using gcloud config set scc/parent if it is not specified in command line.



GroupAssetsResult's "state_change" attribute is updated to indicate whether the asset was added, removed, or remained present during the compare_duration period of time that precedes the read_time. Example duration: "100000s"


Expression is a list of one or more restrictions combined via logical operators 'AND' and 'OR'. Parentheses are not supported, and 'OR' has higher precedence than 'AND'. For example, 'update_time > 100 AND security_center_properties.resource_type=\"\"' is a valid filter string.


Expression that defines what asset fields to use for grouping (including 'state'). String value should follow SQL syntax: comma separated list of fields. For example: "parent,resource_name". The following fields are supported:






The maximum number of results to return in a single response. Default is 10, minimum is 1, maximum is 1000.


Value returned by the last 'GroupAssetsResponse'; indicates that this is a continuation of a prior 'GroupAssets' call, and that the system should return the next page of data.


Time used as a reference point when filtering assets. Filter is limited to assets existing at the supplied time and their values are those at that specific time. For example: 2019-02-28T07:00:00Z. Absence of this field will default to the API's version of NOW.


These flags are available to all commands: --access-token-file, --account, --billing-project, --configuration, --flags-file, --flatten, --format, --help, --impersonate-service-account, --log-http, --project, --quiet, --trace-token, --user-output-enabled, --verbosity.

Run $ gcloud help for details.


This command uses the securitycenter/v1 API. The full documentation for this API can be found at:


This command is currently in beta and might change without notice. These variants are also available:

$ gcloud scc assets group

$ gcloud alpha scc assets group