gcloud beta topic gcloudignore - reference for .gcloudignore files


(BETA) Several commands in gcloud involve uploading the contents of a directory to Google Cloud to host or build. In many cases, you will not want to upload certain files (i.e., "ignore" them).

If there is a file called .gcloudignore in the top-level directory to upload, the files that it specifies (see "SYNTAX") will be ignored.

Gcloud commands may generate a .gcloudignore file; see the individual command help page for details.

The following gcloud commands respect the .gcloudignore file:

To globally disable .gcloudignore parsing (including default file-ignore behavior), run:

$ gcloud config set gcloudignore/enabled false

The default content of the generated .gcloudignore file, which can be overriden with --ignore-file, is as follows:


This .gcloudignore would prevent the upload of the node_modules/ directory and any files ending in ~:

/node_modules/ *~

This .gcloudignore (similar to the one generated when Git files are present) would prevent the upload of the .gcloudignore file, the .git directory, and any files in ignored in the .gitignore file:

# If you would like to upload your .git directory, .gitignore file or # files from your .gitignore file, remove the corresponding line below:



The syntax of .gcloudignore borrows heavily from that of .gitignore; see or man gitignore for a full reference.

Each line in a .gcloudignore is one of the following:

Some example patterns follow; see the full reference ( or man gitignore) for details.

To ignore any file named foo, and any file in the root of the upload directory named bar:

foo /bar

To ignore any file starting with foo, ending with bar, or starting with baz and ending with qux:

foo* *bar baz*qux

To explicitly include any file named foo (useful if foo was excluded earlier in the file) and ignore a file named !bar:

!foo \!bar

To ignore any directory foo and all its contents (though not a file foo), any file baz, and the directory qux and all its contents:

foo/ **/baz qux/**


In order to ignore files specified in the gitignore file, there is a special comment syntax:


This will insert the content of a .gitignore-style file named .gitignore at the point of the include line. It does not recurse (that is, the included file cannot #!include another file) and cannot be anywhere but the top-level directory to be uploaded.

To display files that will be uploaded run:

gcloud meta list-files-for-upload


This command is currently in beta and might change without notice. These variants are also available:

$ gcloud topic gcloudignore

$ gcloud alpha topic gcloudignore