gcloud beta topic offline-help - setting up gcloud command offline help


(BETA) There are many ways to access gcloud command help. Only the first requires online access:

All of these methods have the same content, all generated from a Google Cloud CLI gcloud installation. The last two are user maintained and can become out of date. Either use them for one time offline access, or make them part of your Google Cloud CLI installation/update routine.

Generating offline HTML documents

To generate HTML documents for offline browsing:

# Select an empty directory where the HTML and supporting *.css* and # *.js* files will be generated. HTML_DIR=<some-local-directory>

# Generate the HTML in $HTML_DIR. # Should take ~1 min, 10 min or more on slower systems. gcloud meta generate-help-docs --html-dir=$HTML_DIR

Then enter this URL in the browser address/search bar, where $HTML_DIR must be the actual path name of the directory:


Generating offline manpage documents

To generate man page documents for the man(1) command:

# Select an empty directory where the man page files will be generated. MANPAGE_DIR=<some-local-directory>

# Generate the man pages in $MANPAGE_DIR. # Should take ~1 min, 10 min or more on slower systems. gcloud meta generate-help-docs --manpage-dir=$MANPAGE_DIR

# Append $MANPAGE_DIR to the MANPATH environment variable: export MANPATH=$MANPATH:$MANPAGE_dir

Then run the man command on gcloud manpages:

man gcloud info


This command is currently in beta and might change without notice. These variants are also available:

$ gcloud topic offline-help

$ gcloud alpha topic offline-help