gcloud beta topic resource-keys - resource keys supplementary help


(BETA) A resource is a JSON-serializable object organized as a tree. Each node is a scalar, indexed array, or dictionary. Structs and classes are represented by dictionaries indexed by member name.

Each node is reachable by a unique path of names from the root. A node key is the path names separated by '.'. [number] represents an array index. For example:

foo abc.def[3].ghi

The resource keys and data values for any gcloud list command can be printed by running gcloud ... list --format=flattened. See the command specific documentation for details on specific resource keys.


This command lists the keys and values for the regions resource:

$ gcloud compute regions list --format=flattened

and here is sample output for the command:

--- creationTimestamp: 2013-05-23T07:02:09.522-07:00 description: us-central1 id: 22115839677829654 kind: compute#region name: us-central1 quotas[0].limit: 24.0 quotas[0].metric: CPUS quotas[0].usage: 15.0 quotas[1].limit: 5120.0 quotas[1].metric: DISKS_TOTAL_GB quotas[1].usage: 1416.0 quotas[2].limit: 7.0 quotas[2].metric: STATIC_ADDRESSES quotas[2].usage: 1.0 quotas[3].limit: 23.0 quotas[3].metric: IN_USE_ADDRESSES quotas[3].usage: 16.0 quotas[4].limit: 1024.0 quotas[4].metric: SSD_TOTAL_GB quotas[4].usage: 0.0 quotas[5].limit: 1500.0 quotas[5].metric: LOCAL_SSD_TOTAL_GB quotas[5].usage: 750.0 selfLink: status: UP zones[0]: us-central1-a zones[1]: us-central1-b zones[2]: us-central1-f

The list command produces a resource list. The keys are to the left of ':' and the values are to the right.


This command is currently in beta and might change without notice. These variants are also available:

$ gcloud topic resource-keys

$ gcloud alpha topic resource-keys