gcloud compute security-policies rules update - update a Compute Engine security policy rule


gcloud compute security-policies rules update PRIORITY [--action=ACTION] [--ban-duration-sec=BAN_DURATION_SEC] [--ban-threshold-count=BAN_THRESHOLD_COUNT] [--ban-threshold-interval-sec=BAN_THRESHOLD_INTERVAL_SEC] [--conform-action=CONFORM_ACTION] [--description=DESCRIPTION] [--enforce-on-key=ENFORCE_ON_KEY] [--enforce-on-key-name=ENFORCE_ON_KEY_NAME] [--exceed-action=EXCEED_ACTION] [--exceed-redirect-target=EXCEED_REDIRECT_TARGET] [--exceed-redirect-type=EXCEED_REDIRECT_TYPE] [--preview] [--rate-limit-threshold-count=RATE_LIMIT_THRESHOLD_COUNT] [--rate-limit-threshold-interval-sec=RATE_LIMIT_THRESHOLD_INTERVAL_SEC] [--redirect-target=REDIRECT_TARGET] [--redirect-type=REDIRECT_TYPE] [--request-headers-to-add=[REQUEST_HEADERS_TO_ADD,...]] [--security-policy=SECURITY_POLICY] [--expression=EXPRESSION | --src-ip-ranges=[SRC_IP_RANGE,...]] [GCLOUD_WIDE_FLAG ...]


gcloud compute security-policies rules update is used to update security policy rules.


To update the description and IP ranges of a rule at priority 1000, run:

$ gcloud compute security-policies rules update 1000 \ --security-policy=my-policy --description="block" \ --src-ip-ranges=



The priority of the rule to update. Rules are evaluated in order from highest priority to lowest priority where 0 is the highest priority and 2147483647 is the lowest priority.



The action to take if the request matches the match condition. ACTION must be one of:


Allows the request from HTTP(S) Load Balancing.


Denies the request from HTTP(S) Load Balancing, with an HTTP response status code of 403.


Denies the request from HTTP(S) Load Balancing, with an HTTP response status code of 404.


Denies the request from HTTP(S) Load Balancing, with an HTTP response status code of 503.


Enforces rate-based ban action from HTTP(S) Load Balancing, based on rate limit options.


Redirects the request from HTTP(S) Load Balancing, based on redirect options.


(DEPRECATED) Redirects the request from HTTP(S) Load Balancing, for reCAPTCHA Enterprise assessment. This flag choice is deprecated. Use --action=redirect and --redirect-type=google-recaptcha instead.


Enforces throttle action from HTTP(S) Load Balancing, based on rate limit options.


Can only be specified if the action for the rule is rate-based-ban. If specified, determines the time (in seconds) the traffic will continue to be banned by the rate limit after the rate falls below the threshold.


Number of HTTP(S) requests for calculating the threshold for banning requests. Can only be specified if the action for the rule is rate-based-ban. If specified, the key will be banned for the configured BAN_DURATION_SEC when the number of requests that exceed the RATE_LIMIT_THRESHOLD_COUNT also exceed this BAN_THRESHOLD_COUNT.


Interval over which the threshold for banning requests is computed. Can only be specified if the action for the rule is rate-based-ban. If specified, the key will be banned for the configured BAN_DURATION_SEC when the number of requests that exceed the RATE_LIMIT_THRESHOLD_COUNT also exceed this BAN_THRESHOLD_COUNT.


Action to take when requests are under the given threshold. When requests are throttled, this is also the action for all requests which are not dropped. CONFORM_ACTION must be (currently only one value is supported): allow.


An optional, textual description for the rule.


Different key types available to enforce the rate limit threshold limit on:

ip: each client IP address has this limit enforced separately

all: a single limit is applied to all requests matching this rule

http-header: key type takes the value of the HTTP header configured in enforce-on-key-name as the key value

xff-ip: takes the original IP address specified in the X-Forwarded-For header as the key

http-cookie: key type takes the value of the HTTP cookie configured in enforce-on-key-name as the key value

http-path: key type takes the value of the URL path in the request

sni: key type takes the value of the server name indication from the TLS session of the HTTPS request

region-code: key type takes the value of the region code from which the request originates

ENFORCE_ON_KEY must be one of: ip, all, http-header, xff-ip, http-cookie, http-path, sni, region-code.


Determines the key name for the rate limit key. Applicable only for the following rate limit key types:

http-header: The name of the HTTP header whose value is taken as the key value.

http-cookie: The name of the HTTP cookie whose value is taken as the key value.


Action to take when requests are above the given threshold. When a request is denied, return the specified HTTP response code. When a request is redirected, use the redirect options based on --exceed-redirect-type and --exceed-redirect-target below. EXCEED_ACTION must be one of: deny-403, deny-404, deny-429, deny-502, redirect.


URL target for the redirect action that is configured as the exceed action when the redirect type is external-302.


Type for the redirect action that is configured as the exceed action. EXCEED_REDIRECT_TYPE must be one of: google-recaptcha, external-302.


If specified, the action will not be enforced.


Number of HTTP(S) requests for calculating the threshold for rate limiting requests.


Interval over which the threshold for rate limiting requests is computed.


URL target for the redirect action. Must be specified if the redirect type is external-302. Cannot be specified if the redirect type is google-recaptcha.


Type for the redirect action. Default to external-302 if unspecified while --redirect-target is given. REDIRECT_TYPE must be one of: google-recaptcha, external-302.


A comma-separated list of header names and header values to add to requests that match this rule.


The security policy that this rule belongs to.

Security policy rule matcher.

At most one of these can be specified:


The Cloud Armor rules language expression to match for this rule.


The source IPs/IP ranges to match for this rule. To match all IPs specify *.


These flags are available to all commands: --access-token-file, --account, --billing-project, --configuration, --flags-file, --flatten, --format, --help, --impersonate-service-account, --log-http, --project, --quiet, --trace-token, --user-output-enabled, --verbosity.

Run $ gcloud help for details.


These variants are also available:

$ gcloud alpha compute security-policies rules update

$ gcloud beta compute security-policies rules update