gcloud debug logpoints list - list the debug logpoints for a Cloud Debugger debug target (debuggee)


gcloud debug logpoints list [ID ...] [--no-all-users] [--include-inactive=INCLUDE_INACTIVE; default=300] [--location=LOCATION-REGEXP] [--target=(ID|DESCRIPTION_REGEXP)] [--filter=EXPRESSION] [--limit=LIMIT] [--sort-by=[FIELD,...]] [GCLOUD_WIDE_FLAG ...]


gcloud debug logpoints list is used to display the debug logpoints for a Cloud Debugger debug target (debuggee). By default all active logpoints are returned. To obtain older, expired logoints, specify the --include-inactive option.


To list the active and recently completed debug logpoints of the debug target (debuggee), run:

$ gcloud debug logpoints list --target=<debuggee_id>

To list all (both active and inactive) logpoints of the debug target (debuggee), run:

$ gcloud debug logpoints list --target=<debuggee_id> \ --include-inactive=unlimited

To list logpoints only created by the current user (by default all users are returned) of the debug target (debuggee), run:

$ gcloud debug logpoints list --target=<debuggee_id> --no-all-users


[ID ...]

Zero or more logpoint resource identifiers. The specified logpoints will be listed.



If false, display only logpoints created by the current user. Enabled by default, use --no-all-users to disable.

--include-inactive=INCLUDE_INACTIVE; default=300

Include logpoints which failed or expired in the last INCLUDE_INACTIVE seconds. If the value is "unlimited", all failed or expired logpoints will be included.


A regular expression to match against logpoint locations. All logpoints matching this value will be listed. You may specify --location multiple times.


gcloud debug logpoints list \ --location[1-3] --location


The debug target. It may be a target ID or name obtained from 'debug targets list', or it may be a regular expression uniquely specifying a debuggee based on its description or name. For App Engine projects, if not specified, the default target is the most recent deployment of the default module and version.



Apply a Boolean filter EXPRESSION to each resource item to be listed. If the expression evaluates True, then that item is listed. For more details and examples of filter expressions, run $ gcloud topic filters. This flag interacts with other flags that are applied in this order: --flatten, --sort-by, --filter, --limit.


Maximum number of resources to list. The default is unlimited. This flag interacts with other flags that are applied in this order: --flatten, --sort-by, --filter, --limit.


Comma-separated list of resource field key names to sort by. The default order is ascending. Prefix a field with ``~'' for descending order on that field. This flag interacts with other flags that are applied in this order: --flatten, --sort-by, --filter, --limit.


These flags are available to all commands: --access-token-file, --account, --billing-project, --configuration, --flags-file, --flatten, --format, --help, --impersonate-service-account, --log-http, --project, --quiet, --trace-token, --user-output-enabled, --verbosity.

Run $ gcloud help for details.


This variant is also available:

$ gcloud beta debug logpoints list