gcloud iap settings set - set the setting for an IAP resource


gcloud iap settings set SETTING_FILE [--folder=FOLDER --organization=ORGANIZATION --project=PROJECT --resource-type=RESOURCE_TYPE --service=SERVICE --version=VERSION] [GCLOUD_WIDE_FLAG ...]


Set the setting for an IAP resource.


To set the IAP setting for the resources within an organization, run:

$ gcloud iap settings set SETTING_FILE --organization=ORGANIZATION_ID

To set the IAP setting for the resources within a folder, run:

$ gcloud iap settings set SETTING_FILE --folder=FOLDER_ID

To set the IAP setting for the resources within a project, run:

$ gcloud iap settings set SETTING_FILE --project=PROJECT_ID

To set the IAP setting for web type resources within a project, run:

$ gcloud iap settings set SETTING_FILE --project=PROJECT_ID \ --resource-type=iap_web

To set the IAP setting for all app engine services within a project, run:

$ gcloud iap settings set SETTING_FILE --project=PROJECT_ID \ --resource-type=app-engine

To set the IAP setting for an app engine service within a project, run:

$ gcloud iap settings set SETTING_FILE --project=PROJECT_ID \ --resource-type=app-engine --service=SERVICE_ID

To set the IAP setting for an app engine service version within a project, run:

$ gcloud iap settings set SETTING_FILE --project=PROJECT_ID \ --resource-type=app-engine --service=SERVICE_ID \ --version=VERSION_ID

To set the IAP setting for all backend services within a project, run:

$ gcloud iap settings set SETTING_FILE --project=PROJECT_ID \ --resource-type=compute

To set the IAP setting for a backend service within a project, run:

$ gcloud iap settings set SETTING_FILE --project=PROJECT_ID \ --resource-type=compute --service=SERVICE_ID



JSON or YAML file containing the IAP resource settings.

JSON example: { "access_settings" : { "oauth_settings" : { "login_hint" : { "value": "test_hint" } }, "gcip_settings" : { "tenant_ids": ["tenant1-p9puj", "tenant2-y8rxc"], "login_page_uri" : { "value" : "" } }, "cors_settings": { "allow_http_options" : { "value": true } } }, "application_settings" : { "csm_settings" : { "rctoken_aud" : { "value" : "test_aud" } } } }

YAML example: accessSettings : oauthSettings: loginHint: test_hint gcipSettings: tenantIds: - tenant1-p9puj - tenant2-y8rxc loginPageUri: corsSettings: allowHttpOptions: true applicationSettings: csmSettings: rctokenAud: test_aud



Folder ID.


Organization ID.


Project ID.


Resource type of the IAP resource. RESOURCE_TYPE must be one of: app-engine, iap_web, compute, organization, folder.


Service name. Optional when resource-type is compute or app-engine.


Version name. Not applicable for compute. Optional when resource-type is app-engine.


These flags are available to all commands: --access-token-file, --account, --billing-project, --configuration, --flags-file, --flatten, --format, --help, --impersonate-service-account, --log-http, --project, --quiet, --trace-token, --user-output-enabled, --verbosity.

Run $ gcloud help for details.


These variants are also available:

$ gcloud alpha iap settings set

$ gcloud beta iap settings set