gcloud network-management connectivity-tests create - create a new connectivity test
gcloud network-management connectivity-tests create CONNECTIVITY_TEST (--destination-cloud-sql-instance=DESTINATION_CLOUD_SQL_INSTANCE --destination-gke-master-cluster=DESTINATION_GKE_MASTER_CLUSTER --destination-instance=DESTINATION_INSTANCE --destination-ip-address=DESTINATION_IP_ADDRESS) (--source-app-engine-version=SOURCE_APP_ENGINE_VERSION --source-cloud-function=SOURCE_CLOUD_FUNCTION --source-cloud-run-revision=SOURCE_CLOUD_RUN_REVISION --source-cloud-sql-instance=SOURCE_CLOUD_SQL_INSTANCE --source-gke-master-cluster=SOURCE_GKE_MASTER_CLUSTER --source-instance=SOURCE_INSTANCE --source-ip-address=SOURCE_IP_ADDRESS) [--async] [--description=DESCRIPTION] [--destination-network=DESTINATION_NETWORK] [--destination-port=DESTINATION_PORT] [--destination-project=DESTINATION_PROJECT] [--labels=KEY=VALUE] [--other-projects=[OTHER_PROJECTS,...]] [--protocol=PROTOCOL] [--source-network=SOURCE_NETWORK] [--source-network-type=SOURCE_NETWORK_TYPE; default="gcp-network"] [--source-project=SOURCE_PROJECT] [GCLOUD_WIDE_FLAG ...]
Create a new connectivity test with the given name.
The following command creates a connectivity test with the name my-test, and the test between a source VM and a destination IP address in a peering network.
$ gcloud network-management connectivity-tests create my-test \ --source-instance=projects/my-project/zones/us-west-1/\ instances/my-instance --destination-ip-address= \ --destination-network=projects/my-project/global/networks/\ peering-network
- Connectivity test resource - Name of the connectivity test you want to create.
This represents a Cloud resource. (NOTE) Some attributes are not given arguments in this group but can be set in other ways. To set the project attribute:
- —
provide the argument connectivity_test on the command line with a fully specified name;
- —
set the property core/project;
- —
provide the argument --project on the command line.
This must be specified.
ID of the connectivity test or fully qualified identifier for the connectivity test. To set the connectivity_test attribute:
provide the argument connectivity_test on the command line.
- At least one of these must be specified:
- --destination-cloud-sql-instance=DESTINATION_CLOUD_SQL_INSTANCE
A Cloud SQL instance URI as the destination endpoint.
- --destination-gke-master-cluster=DESTINATION_GKE_MASTER_CLUSTER
A cluster URI for Google Kubernetes Engine master as the destination endpoint.
- --destination-instance=DESTINATION_INSTANCE
A Compute Engine instance URI as the destination endpoint.
- --destination-ip-address=DESTINATION_IP_ADDRESS
The IP address of the destination which can be an external or internal IP. An IPv6 address is only allowed when the test's destination is a global load balancer VIP.
- At least one of these must be specified:
- --source-app-engine-version=SOURCE_APP_ENGINE_VERSION
App Engine version URI as the source endpoint.
- --source-cloud-function=SOURCE_CLOUD_FUNCTION
A Cloud function URI as the source endpoint.
- --source-cloud-run-revision=SOURCE_CLOUD_RUN_REVISION
Cloud Run revision URI as the source endpoint.
- --source-cloud-sql-instance=SOURCE_CLOUD_SQL_INSTANCE
A Cloud SQL instance URI as the source endpoint.
- --source-gke-master-cluster=SOURCE_GKE_MASTER_CLUSTER
A cluster URI for Google Kubernetes Engine master as the source endpoint.
- --source-instance=SOURCE_INSTANCE
A Compute Engine instance URI as the source endpoint.
- --source-ip-address=SOURCE_IP_ADDRESS
The IP address of the source which can be an external or internal IP. An IPv6 address is only allowed when the test's destination is a global load balancer VIP.
- --async
Return immediately, without waiting for the operation in progress to complete.
- --description=DESCRIPTION
The description of the connectivity test.
- --destination-network=DESTINATION_NETWORK
A VPC network URI where the destination is located.
- --destination-port=DESTINATION_PORT
The IP protocol port of the destination. Only applicable when protocol is TCP or UDP.
- --destination-project=DESTINATION_PROJECT
Project ID of the destination endpoint.
- --labels=KEY=VALUE
List of label KEY=VALUE pairs to add.
- --other-projects=[OTHER_PROJECTS,...]
IDs of other projects involved in the connectivity test, besides the source and destination project.
- --protocol=PROTOCOL
Type of protocol for the test. When not provided, "TCP" is assumed.
- --source-network=SOURCE_NETWORK
A VPC network URI where the source is located.
- --source-network-type=SOURCE_NETWORK_TYPE; default="gcp-network"
Type of the network where the source is located. SOURCE_NETWORK_TYPE must be one of:
- gcp-network
Network in Google Cloud Platform.
- non-gcp-network
Network outside Google Cloud Platform.
- --source-project=SOURCE_PROJECT
Project ID of the source endpoint.
These flags are available to all commands: --access-token-file, --account, --billing-project, --configuration, --flags-file, --flatten, --format, --help, --impersonate-service-account, --log-http, --project, --quiet, --trace-token, --user-output-enabled, --verbosity.
Run $ gcloud help for details.
This command uses the networkmanagement/v1 API. The full documentation for this API can be found at: https://cloud.google.com/
This variant is also available:
$ gcloud beta network-management connectivity-tests create