gcloud scc muteconfigs create - create a Cloud Security Command Center mute config


gcloud scc muteconfigs create MUTE_CONFIG [--description=DESCRIPTION] [--filter=FILTER] [--folder=FOLDER | --organization=ORGANIZATION | --project=PROJECT] [GCLOUD_WIDE_FLAG ...]


Create a Cloud Security Command Center mute config.


To create a mute config my-mute-config given organization 123 with a filter on category that equals to XSS_SCRIPTING, run:

$ gcloud scc muteconfigs create my-mute-config \ --organization=organizations/123 \ --description="This is a test mute config" \ --filter="category=\"XSS_SCRIPTING\"" $ gcloud scc muteconfigs create my-mute-config --organization=123 \ --description="This is a test mute config" \ --filter="category=\"XSS_SCRIPTING\"" $ gcloud scc muteconfigs create \ organizations/123/muteConfigs/my-mute-config \ --description="This is a test mute config" \ --filter="category=\"XSS_SCRIPTING\""

To create a mute config my-mute-config given folder 456 with a filter on category that equals to XSS_SCRIPTING, run:

$ gcloud scc muteconfigs create my-mute-config \ --folder=folders/456 \ --description="This is a test mute config" \ --filter="category=\"XSS_SCRIPTING\"" $ gcloud scc muteconfigs create my-mute-config --folder=456 \ --description="This is a test mute config" \ --filter="category=\"XSS_SCRIPTING\"" $ gcloud scc muteconfigs create \ folders/456/muteConfigs/my-mute-config \ --description="This is a test mute config" \ --filter="category=\"XSS_SCRIPTING\""

To create a mute config my-mute-config given project 789 with a filter on category that equals to XSS_SCRIPTING, run:

$ gcloud scc muteconfigs create my-mute-config \ --project=projects/789 \ --description="This is a test mute config" \ --filter="category=\"XSS_SCRIPTING\"" $ gcloud scc muteconfigs create my-mute-config --project=789 \ --description="This is a test mute config" \ --filter="category=\"XSS_SCRIPTING\"" $ gcloud scc muteconfigs create \ projects/789/muteConfigs/my-mute-config \ --description="This is a test mute config" \ --filter="category=\"XSS_SCRIPTING\""



ID of the mute config or the full resource name of the mute config.



The text that will be used to describe a mute configuration.


The filter string which will applied to findings muted by a mute configuration.

At most one of these can be specified:

Folder where the mute config resides. Formatted as folders/456 or just 456.


Organization where the mute config resides. Formatted as organizations/123 or just 123.


Project (id or number) where the mute config resides. Formatted as projects/789 or just 789.


These flags are available to all commands: --access-token-file, --account, --billing-project, --configuration, --flags-file, --flatten, --format, --help, --impersonate-service-account, --log-http, --project, --quiet, --trace-token, --user-output-enabled, --verbosity.

Run $ gcloud help for details.


This command uses the securitycenter/v1 API. The full documentation for this API can be found at:


This variant is also available:

$ gcloud alpha scc muteconfigs create