gcloud storage rm - delete objects and buckets


gcloud storage rm [URLS ...] [--additional-headers=HEADER=VALUE] [--all-versions, -a] [--continue-on-error, -c] [--read-paths-from-stdin, -I] [--recursive, -R, -r] [--if-generation-match=GENERATION --if-metageneration-match=METAGENERATION] [GCLOUD_WIDE_FLAG ...]


Delete objects and buckets.


The following command deletes a Cloud Storage object named my-object from the bucket my-bucket:

$ gcloud storage rm gs://my-bucket/my-object

The following command deletes all objects directly within the directory my-dir but no objects within subdirectories:

$ gcloud storage rm gs://my-bucket/my-dir/*

The following command deletes all objects and subdirectories within the directory my-dir:

$ gcloud storage rm gs://my-bucket/my-dir/**

Note that for buckets that contain versioned objects, the above command only affects live versions. Use the --recursive flag instead to delete all versions.

The following command deletes all versions of all resources in my-bucket and then deletes the bucket.

$ gcloud storage rm --recursive gs://my-bucket/

The following command deletes all text files in the top-level of my-bucket, but not text files in subdirectories:

$ gcloud storage rm -recursive gs://my-bucket/*.txt

The following command deletes one wildcard expression per line passed in by stdin:

$ some_program | gcloud storage rm -I


[URLS ...]

The URLs of the resources to delete.



Includes arbitrary headers in storage API calls. Accepts a comma separated list of key=value pairs, e.g. header1=value1,header2=value2. Overrides the default storage/additional_headers property value for this command invocation.

--all-versions, -a

Delete all versions of an object.

--continue-on-error, -c

If any operations are unsuccessful, the command will exit with a non-zero exit status after completing the remaining operations. This flag takes effect only in sequential execution mode (i.e. processor and thread count are set to 1). Parallelism is default.

--read-paths-from-stdin, -I

Read the list of resources to remove from stdin.

--recursive, -R, -r

Recursively delete the contents of buckets or directories that match the path expression. If the path is set to a bucket, like gs://bucket, the bucket is also deleted. This option implies the --all-versions option. If you want to delete only live object versions, use the ``**'' wildcard instead.



Execute only if the generation matches the generation of the requested object.


Execute only if the metageneration matches the metageneration of the requested object.


These flags are available to all commands: --access-token-file, --account, --billing-project, --configuration, --flags-file, --flatten, --format, --help, --impersonate-service-account, --log-http, --project, --quiet, --trace-token, --user-output-enabled, --verbosity.

Run $ gcloud help for details.


This variant is also available:

$ gcloud alpha storage rm