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Error in Pandoc conversion: Error at (line 550, column 12):
unexpected '{'
.sp .if n \{\ .RS 4 .\} .nf <!\-\- net\&.Corp\&.Bar: @short_description: A short description A <emphasis>longer</emphasis> description\&. This is a new paragraph\&. \-\-> <interface name="net\&.corp\&.Bar"> <!\-\- FooMethod: @greeting: The docs for greeting parameter\&. @response: The docs for response parameter\&. The docs for the actual method\&. \-\-> <method name="FooMethod"> <arg name="greeting" direction="in" type="s"/> <arg name="response" direction="out" type="s"/> </method> <!\-\- BarSignal: @blah: The docs for blah parameter\&. @boo: The docs for boo parameter\&. @since: 2\&.30 The docs for the actual signal\&. \-\-> <signal name="BarSignal"> <arg name="blah" type="s"/> <arg name="boo" type="s"/> </signal> <!\-\- BazProperty: The docs for the property\&. \-\-> <property name="BazProperty" type="s" access="read"/> </interface> .fi .if n \{\ .RE .\}