swig - Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator


swig [options] file


The swig command is used to create wrapper code to connect C and C++ code to scripting languages like Perl, Python, etc. from the definition of the interface. For detailed information on writing those interface definitions please refer to /usr/share/doc/swig-doc/Manual/index.html from the swig-doc package. This manpage concentrates on explaining the invocation of the swig command.


Target Language Options:


Generate CHICKEN wrappers


Generate C# wrappers


Generate Guile wrappers


Generate Java wrappers


Generate Mzscheme wrappers


Generate Ocaml wrappers


Generate Perl wrappers.


Generate PHP wrappers


Generate Pike wrappers


Generate Python wrappers


Generate Ruby wrappers


Generate Lisp S-Expressions wrappers


Generate Tcl wrappers


Generate XML wrappers.

General Options


Enable C++ processing


Check a file out of the SWIG library


Turn on wrapping of protected members for director classes


Define a symbol symbol (for conditional compilation)


Preprocess only, does not generate wrapper code


Compile in compact mode


Compile in virtual elimination mode


Display error/warning messages in commonly used format


Display error/warning messages in Microsoft format


Show a summary of supported options and especially of supported options for the selected language.


Look for SWIG files in dir


Ignore missing include files


Follow all #include statements as imports


Follow all #include statements


Include SWIG library file ifile


List all dependencies


List dependencies, but omit files in SWIG library


Create default constructors/destructors (the default)

-module name

Set module name to name


Turn off contract checking


Do not generate constructors/destructors


Do not wrap director protected members


Do not wrap exception specifiers


Do not generate extern declarations


Do not include SWIG runtime code

-o outfile

Set name of the output file to outfile

-outdir dir

Set language specific files output directory


Make the runtime support code globally visible.


Compile in virtual elimination & compact mode


Report location of SWIG library and exit


Run in verbose mode


Print SWIG version number


Enable all warning messages


Enable warning messages for all the languages keywords


Force to treat the warnings as errors

-w n

Suppress warning number n


SWIG was originally created by David Beazley. For up-to-date information about authors and contributors please check This manual page was written by Torsten Landschoff <> for the Debian project (but may be used by others).