ctr is an unsupported debug and administrative client for interacting with the containerd daemon. Because it is unsupported, the commands, options, and operations are not guaranteed to be backward compatible or stable from release to release of the containerd project.









--address, -a="": address for containerd's GRPC server (default: /run/containerd/containerd.sock)

--connect-timeout="": timeout for connecting to containerd (default: 0s)

--debug: enable debug output in logs

--namespace, -n="": namespace to use with commands (default: default)

--timeout="": total timeout for ctr commands (default: 0s)


plugins, plugin

provides information about containerd plugins

list, ls

lists containerd plugins

--detailed, -d: print detailed information about each plugin

--quiet, -q: print only the plugin ids


print the client and server versions

containers, c, container

manage containers


create container

--allow-new-privs: turn off OCI spec's NoNewPrivileges feature flag

--annotation="": specify additional OCI annotations (e.g. foo=bar)

--apparmor-default-profile="": enable AppArmor with the default profile with the specified name, e.g. "cri-containerd.apparmor.d"

--apparmor-profile="": enable AppArmor with an existing custom profile

--config, -c="": path to the runtime-specific spec config file

--cpu-period="": Limit CPU CFS period (default: 0)

--cpu-quota="": Limit CPU CFS quota (default: -1)

--cwd="": specify the working directory of the process

--device="": file path to a device to add to the container; or a path to a directory tree of devices to add to the container

--env="": specify additional container environment variables (e.g. FOO=bar)

--env-file="": specify additional container environment variables in a file(e.g. FOO=bar, one per line)

--gpus="": add gpus to the container (default: 0)

--label="": specify additional labels (e.g. foo=bar)

--memory-limit="": memory limit (in bytes) for the container (default: 0)

--mount="": specify additional container mount (e.g. type=bind,src=/tmp,dst=/host,options=rbind:ro)

--net-host: enable host networking for the container

--no-pivot: disable use of pivot-root (linux only)

--pid-file="": file path to write the task's pid

--privileged: run privileged container

--read-only: set the containers filesystem as readonly

--rootfs: use custom rootfs that is not managed by containerd snapshotter

--runtime="": runtime name (default: io.containerd.runc.v2)

--runtime-config-path="": optional runtime config path

--seccomp: enable the default seccomp profile

--seccomp-profile="": file path to custom seccomp profile. seccomp must be set to true, before using seccomp-profile

--snapshotter="": snapshotter name. Empty value stands for the default value.

--tty, -t: allocate a TTY for the container

--with-ns="": specify existing Linux namespaces to join at container runtime (format ':')

delete, del, rm

delete one or more existing containers

--keep-snapshot: do not clean up snapshot with container


get info about a container

--spec: only display the spec

list, ls

list containers

--quiet, -q: print only the container id


set and clear labels for a container


checkpoint a container

--image: include the image in the checkpoint

--rw: include the rw layer in the checkpoint

--task: checkpoint container task


restore a container from checkpoint

--live: restore the runtime and memory data from the checkpoint

--rw: restore the rw layer from the checkpoint


manage content


display active transfers

--root="": path to content store root (default: /tmp/content)

--timeout, -t="": total timeout for fetch (default: 0s)

delete, del, remove, rm

permanently delete one or more blobs


edit a blob and return a new digest

--editor="": select editor (vim, emacs, etc.)

--validate="": validate the result against a format (json, mediatype, etc.)


fetch all content for an image into containerd

--all-metadata: Pull metadata for all platforms

--all-platforms: pull content from all platforms

--hosts-dir="": Custom hosts configuration directory

--http-dump: dump all HTTP request/responses when interacting with container registry

--http-trace: enable HTTP tracing for registry interactions

--label="": labels to attach to the image

--metadata-only: Pull all metadata including manifests and configs

--plain-http: allow connections using plain HTTP

--platform="": Pull content from a specific platform

--refresh="": refresh token for authorization server

--skip-verify, -k: skip SSL certificate validation

--tlscacert="": path to TLS root CA

--tlscert="": path to TLS client certificate

--tlskey="": path to TLS client key

--user, -u="": user[:password] Registry user and password


retrieve objects from a remote

--hosts-dir="": Custom hosts configuration directory

--http-dump: dump all HTTP request/responses when interacting with container registry

--http-trace: enable HTTP tracing for registry interactions

--plain-http: allow connections using plain HTTP

--refresh="": refresh token for authorization server

--skip-verify, -k: skip SSL certificate validation

--tlscacert="": path to TLS root CA

--tlscert="": path to TLS client certificate

--tlskey="": path to TLS client key

--user, -u="": user[:password] Registry user and password


get the data for an object


accept content into the store

--expected-digest="": verify content against expected digest

--expected-size="": validate against provided size (default: 0)

list, ls

list all blobs in the store

--quiet, -q: print only the blob digest


push an object to a remote

--hosts-dir="": Custom hosts configuration directory

--http-dump: dump all HTTP request/responses when interacting with container registry

--http-trace: enable HTTP tracing for registry interactions

--plain-http: allow connections using plain HTTP

--refresh="": refresh token for authorization server

--skip-verify, -k: skip SSL certificate validation

--tlscacert="": path to TLS root CA

--tlscert="": path to TLS client certificate

--tlskey="": path to TLS client key

--user, -u="": user[:password] Registry user and password


add labels to content


prunes content from the content store


prunes preference labels from the content store (layers only by default)

--async: allow garbage collection to cleanup asynchronously

--dry: just show updates without applying (enables debug logging)

events, event

display containerd events

images, image, i

manage images


check existing images to ensure all content is available locally

--quiet, -q: print only the ready image refs (fully downloaded and unpacked)

--snapshotter="": snapshotter name. Empty value stands for the default value.


export images

--all-platforms: exports content from all platforms

--platform="": Pull content from a specific platform (default: [])

--skip-manifest-json: do not add Docker compatible manifest.json to archive

--skip-non-distributable: do not add non-distributable blobs such as Windows layers to archive


import images

--all-platforms: imports content for all platforms, false by default

--base-name="": base image name for added images, when provided only images with this name prefix are imported

--compress-blobs: compress uncompressed blobs when creating manifest (Docker format only)

--digests: whether to create digest images (default: false)

--index-name="": image name to keep index as, by default index is discarded

--no-unpack: skip unpacking the images, false by default

--platform="": imports content for specific platform

--snapshotter="": snapshotter name. Empty value stands for the default value.

list, ls

list images known to containerd

--quiet, -q: print only the image refs


mount an image to a target path

--hosts-dir="": Custom hosts configuration directory

--http-dump: dump all HTTP request/responses when interacting with container registry

--http-trace: enable HTTP tracing for registry interactions

--label="": labels to attach to the image

--plain-http: allow connections using plain HTTP

--platform="": Mount the image for the specified platform (default: linux/amd64)

--refresh="": refresh token for authorization server

--rw: Enable write support on the mount

--skip-verify, -k: skip SSL certificate validation

--snapshotter="": snapshotter name. Empty value stands for the default value.

--tlscacert="": path to TLS root CA

--tlscert="": path to TLS client certificate

--tlskey="": path to TLS client key

--user, -u="": user[:password] Registry user and password


unmount the image from the target

--hosts-dir="": Custom hosts configuration directory

--http-dump: dump all HTTP request/responses when interacting with container registry

--http-trace: enable HTTP tracing for registry interactions

--label="": labels to attach to the image

--plain-http: allow connections using plain HTTP

--refresh="": refresh token for authorization server

--rm: remove the snapshot after a successful unmount

--skip-verify, -k: skip SSL certificate validation

--snapshotter="": snapshotter name. Empty value stands for the default value.

--tlscacert="": path to TLS root CA

--tlscert="": path to TLS client certificate

--tlskey="": path to TLS client key

--user, -u="": user[:password] Registry user and password


pull an image from a remote

--all-metadata: Pull metadata for all platforms

--all-platforms: pull content and metadata from all platforms

--hosts-dir="": Custom hosts configuration directory

--http-dump: dump all HTTP request/responses when interacting with container registry

--http-trace: enable HTTP tracing for registry interactions

--label="": labels to attach to the image

--max-concurrent-downloads="": Set the max concurrent downloads for each pull (default: 0)

--plain-http: allow connections using plain HTTP

--platform="": Pull content from a specific platform (default: [])

--print-chainid: Print the resulting image's chain ID

--refresh="": refresh token for authorization server

--skip-verify, -k: skip SSL certificate validation

--snapshotter="": snapshotter name. Empty value stands for the default value.

--tlscacert="": path to TLS root CA

--tlscert="": path to TLS client certificate

--tlskey="": path to TLS client key

--user, -u="": user[:password] Registry user and password


push an image to a remote

--hosts-dir="": Custom hosts configuration directory

--http-dump: dump all HTTP request/responses when interacting with container registry

--http-trace: enable HTTP tracing for registry interactions

--manifest="": digest of manifest

--manifest-type="": media type of manifest digest (default: application/vnd.oci.image.manifest.v1+json)

--max-concurrent-uploaded-layers="": Set the max concurrent uploaded layers for each push (default: 0)

--plain-http: allow connections using plain HTTP

--platform="": push content from a specific platform (default: [])

--refresh="": refresh token for authorization server

--skip-verify, -k: skip SSL certificate validation

--tlscacert="": path to TLS root CA

--tlscert="": path to TLS client certificate

--tlskey="": path to TLS client key

--user, -u="": user[:password] Registry user and password

remove, rm

remove one or more images by reference

--sync: Synchronously remove image and all associated resources


tag an image

--force: force target_ref to be created, regardless if it already exists


set and clear labels for an image

--replace-all, -r: replace all labels


convert an image

--all-platforms: exports content from all platforms

--oci: convert Docker media types to OCI media types

--platform="": Pull content from a specific platform (default: [])

--uncompress: convert tar.gz layers to uncompressed tar layers


manage leases

list, ls

list all active leases

--quiet, -q: print only the blob digest


create lease

--expires, -x="": expiration of lease (0 value will not expire) (default: 24h0m0s)

--id="": set the id for the lease, will be generated by default

delete, rm

delete a lease

--sync: Synchronously remove leases and all unreferenced resources

namespaces, namespace, ns

manage namespaces

create, c

create a new namespace

list, ls

list namespaces

--quiet, -q: print only the namespace name

remove, rm

remove one or more namespaces

--cgroup, -c: delete the namespace's cgroup


set and clear labels for a namespace


provide golang pprof outputs for containerd

--debug-socket, -d="": socket path for containerd's debug server (default: /run/containerd/debug.sock)


goroutine blocking profile


dump goroutine stack dump


dump heap profile


CPU profile

--seconds, -s="": duration for collection (seconds) (default: 30s)


goroutine thread creating profile


collect execution trace

--seconds, -s="": trace time (seconds) (default: 5s)


run a container

--allow-new-privs: turn off OCI spec's NoNewPrivileges feature flag

--annotation="": specify additional OCI annotations (e.g. foo=bar)

--apparmor-default-profile="": enable AppArmor with the default profile with the specified name, e.g. "cri-containerd.apparmor.d"

--apparmor-profile="": enable AppArmor with an existing custom profile

--cgroup="": cgroup path (To disable use of cgroup, set to "" explicitly)

--cni: enable cni networking for the container

--config, -c="": path to the runtime-specific spec config file

--cpu-period="": Limit CPU CFS period (default: 0)

--cpu-quota="": Limit CPU CFS quota (default: -1)

--cpus="": set the CFS cpu quota (default: 0.000000)

--cwd="": specify the working directory of the process

--detach, -d: detach from the task after it has started execution

--device="": file path to a device to add to the container; or a path to a directory tree of devices to add to the container

--env="": specify additional container environment variables (e.g. FOO=bar)

--env-file="": specify additional container environment variables in a file(e.g. FOO=bar, one per line)

--fifo-dir="": directory used for storing IO FIFOs

--gidmap="": run inside a user namespace with the specified GID mapping range; specified with the format container-gid:host-gid:length

--gpus="": add gpus to the container (default: 0)

--label="": specify additional labels (e.g. foo=bar)

--log-uri="": log uri

--memory-limit="": memory limit (in bytes) for the container (default: 0)

--mount="": specify additional container mount (e.g. type=bind,src=/tmp,dst=/host,options=rbind:ro)

--net-host: enable host networking for the container

--no-pivot: disable use of pivot-root (linux only)

--null-io: send all IO to /dev/null

--pid-file="": file path to write the task's pid

--platform="": run image for specific platform

--privileged: run privileged container

--read-only: set the containers filesystem as readonly

--remap-labels: provide the user namespace ID remapping to the snapshotter via label options; requires snapshotter support

--rm: remove the container after running

--rootfs: use custom rootfs that is not managed by containerd snapshotter

--runc-binary="": specify runc-compatible binary

--runc-root="": specify runc-compatible root

--runc-systemd-cgroup: start runc with systemd cgroup manager

--runtime="": runtime name (default: io.containerd.runc.v2)

--runtime-config-path="": optional runtime config path

--seccomp: enable the default seccomp profile

--seccomp-profile="": file path to custom seccomp profile. seccomp must be set to true, before using seccomp-profile

--snapshotter="": snapshotter name. Empty value stands for the default value.

--tty, -t: allocate a TTY for the container

--uidmap="": run inside a user namespace with the specified UID mapping range; specified with the format container-uid:host-uid:length

--with-ns="": specify existing Linux namespaces to join at container runtime (format ':')

snapshots, snapshot

manage snapshots

--snapshotter="": snapshotter name. Empty value stands for the default value.


commit an active snapshot into the provided name


get the diff of two snapshots. the default second snapshot is the first snapshot's parent.

--keep: keep diff content. up to creator to delete it.

--label="": labels to attach to the image

--media-type="": media type to use for creating diff (default: application/vnd.oci.image.layer.v1.tar+gzip)

--ref="": content upload reference to use


get info about a snapshot

list, ls

list snapshots

mounts, m, mount

mount gets mount commands for the snapshots


prepare a snapshot from a committed snapshot

--mounts: Print out snapshot mounts as JSON

--target, -t="": mount target path, will print mount, if provided

remove, rm

remove snapshots


add labels to content


display tree view of snapshot branches


unpack applies layers from a manifest to a snapshot

--snapshotter="": snapshotter name. Empty value stands for the default value.


usage snapshots

-b: display size in bytes


create a read-only snapshot from a committed snapshot

--mounts: Print out snapshot mounts as JSON

--target, -t="": mount target path, will print mount, if provided

tasks, t, task

manage tasks


attach to the IO of a running container


checkpoint a container

--exit: stop the container after the checkpoint

--image-path="": path to criu image files

--work-path="": path to criu work files and logs

delete, rm

delete one or more tasks

--exec-id="": process ID to kill

--force, -f: force delete task process


execute additional processes in an existing container

--cwd="": working directory of the new process

--detach, -d: detach from the task after it has started execution

--exec-id="": exec specific id for the process

--fifo-dir="": directory used for storing IO FIFOs

--log-uri="": log uri for custom shim logging

--tty, -t: allocate a TTY for the container

--user="": user id or name

list, ls

list tasks

--quiet, -q: print only the task id


signal a container (default: SIGTERM)

--all, -a: send signal to all processes inside the container

--exec-id="": process ID to kill

--signal, -s="": signal to send to the container


pause an existing container


list processes for container


resume a paused container


start a container that has been created

--detach, -d: detach from the task after it has started execution

--fifo-dir="": directory used for storing IO FIFOs

--log-uri="": log uri

--null-io: send all IO to /dev/null

--pid-file="": file path to write the task's pid

metrics, metric

get a single data point of metrics for a task with the built-in Linux runtime

--format="": "table" or "json" (default: table)


install a new package

--libs, -l: install libs from the image

--path="": set an optional install path other than the managed opt directory

--replace, -r: replace any binaries or libs in the opt directory


OCI tools


see the output of the default OCI spec


interact with a shim directly

--id="": container id


delete a container with a task


exec a new process in the task's container

--attach, -a: stay attached to the container and open the fifos

--cwd="": current working directory

--env, -e="": add environment vars (default: [])

--spec="": runtime spec

--stderr="": specify the path to the stderr fifo

--stdin="": specify the path to the stdin fifo

--stdout="": specify the path to the stdout fifo

--tty, -t: enable tty support


start a container with a task


get the state of all the processes of the task