scsi_logging_level - access Linux SCSI logging level information


scsi_logging_level [--all=LEV] [--create] [--error=LEV] [--get] [--help] [--highlevel=LEV] [--hlcomplete=LEV] [--hlqueue=LEV] [--ioctl=LEV] [--llcomplete=LEV] [--llqueue=LEV] [--lowlevel=LEV] [--midlevel=LEV] [--mlcomplete=LEV] [--mlqueue=LEV] [--scan=LEV] [--set] [--timeout=LEV] [--version]


This bash shell script accesses the Linux SCSI subsystem logging level. The current values can be shown (e.g. with --get) or changed (e.g. with --set). Superuser permissions will typically be required to set the logging level.

One of these options: --create, --get or --set is required. Only one of them can be given.


Arguments to long options are mandatory for short options as well.

-a, --all=LEV

LEV is used for all SCSI_LOG fields.

-c, --create

Options are parsed and placed in internal fields that are displayed but no logging levels are changed within the Linux kernel.

-E, --error=LEV

LEV is placed in the SCSI_LOG_ERROR field.

-g, --get

Fetches the current SCSI logging levels from the Linux kernel and displays them.

-h, --help

print out the usage message then exit.

-H, --highlevel=LEV

LEV is placed in the SCSI_LOG_HLQUEUE and SCSI_LOG_HLCOMPLETE fields.


LEV is placed in the SCSI_LOG_HLCOMPLETE field.


LEV is placed in the SCSI_LOG_HLQUEUE field.

-I, --ioctl=LEV

LEV is placed in the SCSI_LOG_IOCTL field.


LEV is placed in the SCSI_LOG_LLCOMPLETE field.


LEV is placed in the SCSI_LOG_LLQUEUE field.

-L, --lowlevel=LEV

LEV is placed in the SCSI_LOG_LLQUEUE and SCSI_LOG_LLCOMPLETE fields.

-M, --midlevel=LEV

LEV is placed in the SCSI_LOG_MLQUEUE and SCSI_LOG_MLCOMPLETE fields.


LEV is placed in the SCSI_LOG_MLCOMPLETE field.


LEV is placed in the SCSI_LOG_MLQUEUE field.

-S, --scan=LEV

LEV is placed in the SCSI_LOG_SCAN field.

-s, --set

Uses the fields specified in this command's options and attempts to apply them to the Linux SCSI subsystem logging levels. Typically superuser permissions will be required to do this.

-T, --timeout=LEV

LEV is placed in the SCSI_LOG_TIMEOUT field.

-v, --version

Outputs the version information and then exits.


The --get and --set options access the /proc/sys/dev/scsi/logging_level pseudo file.


The exit status of this script is 0 when it is successful. Any other exit status indicates that an error has occurred.


The following will set SCSI_LOG_ERROR to level 5 in the Linux kernel. It requires root permissions:

scsi_logging_level -s -E 5

So as to not interfere with other SCSI subsystem upper level drivers (ULDs) which most likely will be active at the same time, the Linux sg driver uses SCSI_LOG_TIMEOUT for logging purposes. To see full debugging and trace from the sg driver use:

scsi_logging_level -s -T 7

The output from the sg driver caused by this will go to the system logs (e.g. /var/log/syslog). To reduce the amount of output use a number lower than 7. Using 0 will turn off the tracing and debug.


Written by IBM. Small alterations by Douglas Gilbert.


Report bugs to <dgilbert at interlog dot com>.

Copyright © IBM Corp. 2006
This software is distributed under the GPL version 2. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

The software was obtained from an IBM package called s390-tools-1.6.2 found on that company's "developerworks" site. The most recent version of that package at this time is 1.8.3 .