files for all the system trees

This manual page documents

a program that was written for the Debian distribution.

is used to generate


configurations files

which is the link target of


which is the link target of

from the files with names ending in

located in



Any TeX package shipping map files in one of the trees


should also provide files in one of the above directories containing the respective lines for


In order to configure (enable additional entries, disable system provided entries, etc), the normal

mechanism should be used. Please see the man page details.

Executes additional checks that all necessary files are present in the kpathsea database. Don't use this in maintainer scripts.

don't write anything to the standard output during normal operation

print a summary of the command-line usage of

and exit

output version information and exit

Note that the

option, which turns on verbose mode, is deprecated. We are currently in a transition phase where quiet mode is still the default (therefore,

has no effect), but

will be verbose by default as soon as enough packages use

in their maintainer scripts.


files under

should contain valid configuration lines for

Usually, they will consist of lines of following one of these forms:

Map <> MixedMap <> KanjiMap <>


form should only be used if the font is available in both bitmap and scalable formats (this way, it won't be declared in the default map file for Dvips that is used when

is set to


The KanjiMap form should only be used for map files defining Japanese font maps.

returns 0 on success, or a strictly positive integer on error.

This manual page was written by

and updated by


for the Debian distribution (and may be used by others).